New Beginnings

South Portland, Maine- One day, twenty-one hours, and 45 minutes. Almost a two day bus ride… I saw things I never thought I’d get to see, been to places I never thought I’d go. The best part about it, it’s beautiful here. I’ll get snow and the beach- it’s breath taking here, I for sure picked the best time to come. Fall! Autumn! Pumpkins, corn stalks, candy corn, Halloween! Thanksgiving!!!

It’s weird to say back home, it’s weird to have people ask me to say certain things. It’s prideful to me to have people go: “You say y’all?! That’s so cool, wow you’re a long way from home but welcome to Maine Okie!” I may be far far away from Oklahoma, but no matter where I go in life, I am an Okie Girl at heart. Always have been, always will be. It’s my homestead, it’s where my family resides, it’s my first favorite state, followed by Arkansas and Maine. Yeah, I’m a girl from the south up in the north, do I regret it nah! It just means that accent of mine is about to get a whole lot worse!

There’s still so so much to learn, so many other things I have to see. The beach? Will easily become my favorite place, my job(s?) I love, I feel loved. It’s nice to be around people who are just as crazy as you, just as silly and sarcastic. I love my bosses and that’s an extremely rare happening. But, words cannot describe the love I feel by every one B has introduced me to. I have a family away from my family, and it’s nice. It’s nice to feel wanted and loved by complete strangers.. I miss my Randa, but the freedom and the ease and no stress I feel here is so much better than the stress and pain I had back home. So many bad memories there, this gypsy girl is signing off for the night and hopefully will post some more tomorrow when I get off work.

Peace, Love, and all God’s blessings upon my readers

